World languages
Consequences in the past tense
Sentence starters to be used in a game of consequences. Students complete the sentence, fold over the paper and then pass to the next person.
My Favorite things
Handout explaining possessive pronouns using favorite things.
Mein Traumstundenplan
An example of a dream timetable with a description. Students can use this as an example to write their own dream timetable.
die Ausbildung wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of education with GCSE level vocabulary. Useful plenary or for cover work.
Sport 2 missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct sports vocabulary.
Wie siehst du aus?
Powerpoint teaching accusative adjective endings through the topic of personal appearance.
Speaking Home Life
Example answers for various speaking questions under this topic.
How to write a senior level Essay
Powerpoint explaining the layout of a senior level essay and includes an example question at the end of the show.
Ostern Match Up
Match up activity of useful Easter vocabulary. Useful for starter/wrap up.
ma famille wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of family. Useful to start or wrap up.
bingo leisure and tenses
Words/phrases from which to choose to make a bingo game. Includes 3 tenses and leisure vocabulary from Expo OCR Rouge Unit 2.
Was nimmst du im Urlaub mit match up
Match up activity of useful GCSE travel items vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
Arbeitspraktikum missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct work experience vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
die Ausbildung missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct GCSE education vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary.
die Gesellschaft wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of society with GCSE level vocabulary. Useful plenary or for cover work.
GCSE illness OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
GCSE health and advice OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
La vie de famille
Worksheet about the life of the family.
List of Numbers 1-1000
A reviewing aid to help remember numbers.
Arbeitsplaetze wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of places of work. Useful plenary or for cover work.